Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Hair-story...Better Late than Never

Okay! Where do I begin? I felt it would be right to give a background as to the reason why I decided to start this hair journey in the first place.

So...when I was really young. Let's say age 5/6, my mum got my hair relaxed because apparently my hair was too tough to be handled, and I would cry and make a fuss everytime I went to the salon. My hair here was about shoulder-length and thick. *sorry I don't have any pictures*

Fast-forward to the downfall of my hair growth. Back in 2009/2010 when Rihanna became one of the most fashionable celebrities out there, hitting us with different short hairstyles from all angles, I decided to try out what short hair would look like on me. 

Something sorta like this. Notice how unlike my previous picture, my ends here are healthy, my edges are fuller and thicker. I wish I knew all I know now, then. Oh well...c'est la vie.

I noticed my hair shrink and lose ends and break, but I thought the best solution was to keep cutting it and it would grow healthy. As if... When that didn't work, I worked on weaves....weaves on end...no break..my hair grew, but was practically useless, no body, no weight and it constantly BROKE!!! Urgh! The most annoying thing ever...

Oh well...finally late 2012, I remembered how a close friend of mine told me how she wanted to start a healthy hair regimen in May 2011, and I saw the differences it made to her hair. Her hair went from shoulder length almost to mid-back length in about 2 years. And boy did that motivate me...

As the saying goes, better late than never, so I did a big chop finally to about nape length in Nov 2012, and started my healthy hair regimen Jan 5th 2013.

Back to the present....I am currently involved in 2 Challenges to aid in my hair growth: Dabs' 6inches in 12months challenge as can be seen here and a Castor oil challenge too.

Let's see how this goes... *fingers crossed*


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